Are you looking for Angie Moon's snapshot? You're in the right page!
I'm currently a Ph.D. at MIT, majoring operations and innovation management, advised by [Charles Fine](https://www.charles-fine.com/). This is my [resume](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6t0kx5e2ooggahr98va37/Angie_Moon_resume.pdf?rlkey=sqgkvokf2sunj5fash96asnto&dl=0).
My vision is to bridge Bayesian and evolutionary entrepreneurship with probabilistic program.
Angie agent and the world
- desire: living ergodic life by making my operations and innovation management theory usable by establishing [[👓synthesize(ops4innov)]]
- [[🌙amoon()]] shows Bayes is my religion, simulation forms me.
- [[🌏world(amoon)]] archives the world around me
Angie agent's language
- startup ([[def(nextopt)]] CEO)
- education community (textbook Bayesian Data Analysis translators)
- open-source ([Stan](https://mc-stan.org/), [Arviz](https://arviz-devs.github.io/), [SBC](https://hyunjimoon.github.io/SBC/)).
![[Pasted image 20240406152353.png|300]]
- I'm addicted to visual representation and below is mural of how my research is evolving
![[Pasted image 20231226150937.png|100]]
![[Pasted image 20230805203758.png|100]]