![[amoon.png|center|100]] Are you looking for Angie Moon's snapshot? You're in the right page! I'm currently a Ph.D. at MIT, majoring operations and innovation management, advised by [Charles Fine](https://www.charles-fine.com/). I did my pre-doc, in MIT Sloan System dynamics group, developing [stanify](https://github.com/Data4DM/stanify) to bridge statistics and dynamic decision making. This is my [resume](https://drive.google.com/file/d/16aQlWytJ3xfhcHdg-j698uGBD_hZIBXG/view?usp=drive_link). My vision is global productization of entrepreneurial operations theory for startups. Startup prediction tool can be one productiztation- an intelligent system that guides early-stage ventures to success by providing strategic recommendations. By combining the Bayesian Entrepreneurship frameworks of Professors Scott Stern and Charles Fine with the Probabilistic Computing software ecosystems pioneered by Professors Vikash Mansinghka and Andrew Gelman, I am building tools that capture how startups navigate key choices around customers, technology, organization and competition. This technology will power a platform, integrated with MIT's Orbit, comprised of a Startup Genome leveraging historical case studies, an Industry Map identifying patterns of successful actions, and a Startup Compass delivering customized guidance. Research product is described [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/14shkEWQlRut9P4Y2sL5GeS1j_twb_7LXoRgzxpo2hgk/edit#heading=h.3wsc61ret9er). What affects my brain and mind: - goal - [[🧭navigate(startup)]]: global productization of entrepreneurial operations theory for startups - [[👓synthesize(bayes-entrep)]]: contributing to scaling [bayesian entrepreneurship (BE)](https://www.entrepreneurial-strategy.net/) and [probabilistic computing (PC)](http://probcomp.csail.mit.edu/) by bridging them as described [here](https://github.com/Data4DM/BayesSD/discussions/234) and [here](https://github.com/Data4DM/BayesSD/discussions/224) - [[🌙amoon()]] describes atoms (statistics) and bits (strategy) of my mechanism - [[🌏world(amoon)]] archives bits and atoms of world that affected me - belief: Bayes is my religon, simulation forms me. I live by the spirit of gradual updates with simulation-based reliability checks. I believe [simulation-based calibration ](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2211.02383.pdf) offers scientific framework to design startup pivoting - cross-section of my brain based on ecosystem management experiences of - startup ([[def(nextopt)]] CEO) - education community (textbook Bayesian Data Analysis translators), - open-source ([Stan](https://mc-stan.org/), [Arviz](https://arviz-devs.github.io/), [SBC](https://hyunjimoon.github.io/SBC/)). ![[Pasted image 20240406152353.png|300]] - I'm addicted to visual representation and below is mural of how my research is evolving 2023 ![[Pasted image 20231226150937.png|100]] 2022 ![[Pasted image 20230805203758.png|100]]